Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis of the Consequences of the Disobedience to the...

In John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Milton narrates the story of Adam and Eve, but on a deeper level, figuring out the motives, feelings, and emotions of each character while also introducing the story of Satan/Lucifer and all of his complexities. At the same time Milton gives the story a twist when he relates how sin and death is brought into the human world. Greek Mythology gives a similar anecdote which compares with John Milton’s story very much: the story of Pandora and Epimetheus. â€Å"Pandora’s Box† also relates the story of how evil sprits came upon the world thorough Pandora’s disobedience. Pandora and Epimetheus mythogical narrative and John Milton’s timeless interpretation of Adam and Eve mirror each other in many ways while also†¦show more content†¦In All of the fallen angels bulit a palce called pandemonium, the capital of Hell in Miltons Paradise where they meet to wheather ot not to paticipate in a battle to get revenge against God. Paradise Lost and Pandoras Box both consecrate on the main theme will be Mans first Disobedience and the lost of something great in return. John Milton’s epic novel Paradise Lost, starts with the first biblical book, Genesis, where Milton narrates the first story in the bible of Adam and Eves disobedience thoughtout his first book. He analyzes man’s first disobedience how and what is the reason it happens. In the story of Pandoras Box, Pandora is the first woman that disobeded aganist her husband and the Gods that made her. As in the story of Adam and Eve the woman is the first to fall into disobedience and not keeping her promise with her husband and God Almighty.These two woman failed into disobedience, because of it they have to pay the cosequences of losing the loss thereupon of Paradise. A larger part of the epic poem, is taken within the larger context of the enemies rebellion and the new creation of God which is Gods Son Jesus. Angel Raphael tells Adam about what happen with Satans new plan of destoying mankind. The story of

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